Greece’s public sector unions on 24h strike for effective pandemic measures UPD

October 13, 2020

Greece’s public sector unions umbrella ADEDY have called for a general strike on Thursday, October 15, 2020, demanding more protection measures regarding the pandemic, more hiring and descent labor conditions, wages and pensions.

Major unions from the sector of public hospital personnel (POEDIN) and teachers (OLME) have joined the strike, while unions of workers at public transport means will hold work stoppages.

Unionists’ main demands are, among others:

Generous increase in Public Health expenditure and hiring, charge-free Covid-19 tests where necessary and charge-free personal protection means

Protection of vulnerable groups

Mass hiring in Education and up to 15 students per school class

Hiring of cleaners

No decreases in workers’ salaries, abolish of flexible, rent and rotating work, no firing of contract workers

Abolishing of the “solidarity fee” also for public servants.

Tax decreases, that is tax-free at €12,000 annual income

Abolishing of the unified property tax. Note: the ENFIA was introduced as a “temporary measure” dictated by the country’s lenders in 2011. It was supposed to be in force for 2 years. Nine years later… it is still in force.

Decrease of Value Added Tax at maximum 15%.

Hirings in crucial public sector services with priority in Health, Education, Municipalities, Social Security Funds, Social Services etc. [ the personnel shortage as imposed by the bailout agreements has deforested the public services with the effect that some pensioners have to wait up to 4 years to have their pension application approved.!]

No privatization of pension and heath care system and other public services and goods.

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Abolish the laws that limit demonstrations and the strike laws that require 50%+1 votes by the unionists.

Hiring in public transport means and more schedules to avoid crowding among the passengers.

Public Transport Means

No strike or work stoppages by workers at buses and trolley buses

Metro, Urban Train ISAP, Tram workers suspended on Wednesday their work stoppage scheduled for Thursday.

All public transport means will operate as usual.

Air Traffic Controllers have joined the 24-hour strike.
