Another Ten Years Of Toxic Glyphosate – EU Disregards Science And Citizens’ Demands

Nov 23, 2023

The EU Commission has announced a 10-year renewal of Glyphosate, following the failure of Member States to reach an agreement on its proposal.

France, Germany and the Netherlands, among others, have shied away instead of halting the irresponsible plans of the EU Commission. Now, the highly toxic Glyphosate will continue causing health damage for another ten years, destroying nature, biodiversity, and causing animal suffering. Meanwhile, the cash registers keep ringing for BayerMonsanto, BASF, and other agrochemical giants .

Left MEP Anja Hazekamp (Partij voor de Dieren, Netherlands) comments: “It is scandalous to see how health- and environmental concerns, as well as democratic calls to stop glyphosate are pushed aside for the mega-profits of the pesticide-industry. Member States – including the Netherlands whose parliament repeatedly called for a ban – have failed to vote against this glyphosate re-approval and have failed to safeguard human- and animal health. Despite this, there was no qualified majority of Member States supporting a glyphosate renewal either. Sadly the European Commission seems eager to push through its proposal for a 10-year renewal, without democratic legitimacy and bluntly ignoring the call of more than 1 million citizens to stop glyphosate.”

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In glyphosate review, WHO cancer agency edited out “non-carcinogenic” findings

By Kate Kelland

The World Health Organization’s cancer agency dismissed and edited findings from a draft of its review of the weedkiller glyphosate that were at odds with its final conclusion that the chemical probably causes cancer.

Documents seen by Reuters show how a draft of a key section of the International Agency for Research on Cancer’s (IARC) assessment of glyphosate – a report that has prompted international disputes and multi-million-dollar lawsuits – underwent significant changes and deletions before the report was finalised and made public.

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IARC, based in Lyon, France, wields huge influence as a semi-autonomous unit of the WHO, the United Nations health agency. It issued a report on its assessment of glyphosate – a key ingredient in Monsanto Corp’s top-selling weedkiller RoundUp – in March 2015. It ranked glyphosate a Group 2a carcinogen, a substance that probably causes cancer in people.

That conclusion was based on its experts’ view that there was “sufficient evidence” glyphosate causes cancer in animals and “limited evidence” it can do so in humans. The Group 2a classification has prompted mass litigation in the United States against Monsanto and could lead to a ban on glyphosate sales across the European Union from the start of next year.

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