Uncertainty about UFOs or a way to escalate Cold War?

UFOs Repeatedly ‘Took Offline’ US Nuclear Capabilities, Ex-Chief of Pentagon Secret Unit Says

Jun 9, 2021
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – Unidentified flying objects (UFO) have repeatedly meddled with US nuclear technology, forcing some facilities to go offline, ex-head of Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, Luis Elizondo, told The Washington Post.
The revelation comes ahead of the release of an unclassified report on unidentified aerial phenomenons (UAPs) observed by US Navy pilots, which is expected to be submitted to Congress later in June.
“Now in this country we’ve had incidents where these UAPs have interfered and actually brought offline our nuclear capabilities,” Elizondo said in an interview.
While some may deem the incidents to be “something that is peaceful,” there is data suggesting that UFOs have meddled with other countries’ nuclear technology and “actually turned them on, put them online,” the expert said.
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UFO Reports Are Fertilizer For Military Budgets

Jun 5, 2021
Since December 2019 the United States has a Space Force as one of eight branches of U.S. Armed Forces. Each of those branches has lots of higher ranking officer positions. All people who are put into those want a lucrative board seat at some weapon manufacturer when they retire. They will only get one if they manage to create enough revenue for those manufacturers while they are still in uniform.
The new command therefore needs new weapons. Otherwise there will be no revenue for the weapon manufacturers and no lucrative board seats for retired officers. But spending tax dollars on weapons requires at least some nominal justification. There needs to be a threat that requires new weapons to counter it.
Thus we are presented with an onslaught of UFO rumors and silly grainy videos:
The idea of UFOs has gone mainstream. The dam broke with a New York Times story about a year ago on three declassified Navy videos. Last weekend, 60 Minutes did its own report, and The New Yorker has a nice long writeup of the history of the debate within the American government.
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