Despite Dual Citizenship Comment, Le Pen Still Pro-Israel
By David Israel
Marine Le Pen has been demonized by the media even worse than Donald Trump, in...
FAR-RIGHT political movements and parties across Europe have exploited popular discontent to gain political power, emboldening some of the most racist, xenophobic and reactionary...
Donald Trump’s electoral victory unleashed pent-up tectonic energies on the unprecedented scale. The world has been changed, much more than could be expected from any election of a US president. Just a short time has passed since election day, but it appears that the New World Order has received a shattering blow. There is a great feeling of freedom in the air, as if the vote broke the chains of a generation, and we suddenly found ourselves free.
Alain Gresh, of Monde Diplomatique explains the reasons behind the French eclipse in the Middle East. Read the article in L' Orient-Le Jour
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