Thursday, 6 February , 2025


Trudeau government refuses to release the names of 900 Nazi war...

By James Clayton 19 January 2025 In defiance of the demands of historians, Holocaust survivors and public opinion, Canada’s Liberal government is suppressing an almost four-decade-old...

Александр Бузгалин и его время

Димитрис Константакопулос Jun 2024 "СВободной мысли"  в номере 3-2024. На сайте СМ она по адресу Выпуск № 3/2024 —...

The future of China, the danger of a collapse of human...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos (*) Shortly before his death, in a series of writings, Samir Amin unfolded the two issues that were mainly of concern to...

Stalin and the creation of Israel

Jul 26, 2024 The Palestinian people were forcibly expelled from their homeland by Zionist armed militias in 1948, in an event which remains in their...

The Western public want the war in Ukraine to end, but...

June 9, 2024 A new survey by the Institute for Global Affairs, part of the American political risk consultancy Eurasia Group, found the overwhelming majority...

Fascism is knocking at the door of Europe (with the support...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos For the first time since the defeat of German Nazism in 1945, a political force with a fascist origin and far right...

Michel Pablo et l’expérience soviétique

Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos En lisant attentivement les multiples hommages, généralement élogieux, que la presse grecque a rendu à Michel Raptis (Pablo) lors de son...

Five articles on Al. Buzgalin and the Soviet/Russian Perestroika/Katastroika

Aleksandr Buzgalin and his time. The Soviet/Russian tragedy Do we need Marxism? Marxism and Stalinism USSR 1989-91: The “democratic counter-revolution” of the nomenklatura Marxism, nation and nationalism,...

Socialism And Economic Cybernetics: Towards a Manifesto

Paperback – 14 February 2024 by Elena Veduta (Author) The only alternative to capitalism is socialism. The first attempt to organize a non-capitalist, proportionally...

October Revolution: The first general recognition of women’s equality in History

The land of the October revolution: a country of women walking on the road to emancipation By Armağan Tulunay Take the position of women. In this...