Saturday, 27 July , 2024


Kurdish Production Cooperatives begin to grow in Northern Syria

Source: Kurdistan America Latina, Co-operative Economy January 3, 2018 Cooperative societies have been created in Northern Syria in order to develop community economies. They have proven that...

De Córdoba à Paris: Hugo Moreno. le “Dragon” (1943-2017)

C’est dans l’année qui se termine, que notre bon ami Hugo Moreno est parti. Il était un grand homme et autant, un combattant pour...

Hugo Moreno (1943-2017) | by Carlos Abel Suárez

09/07/2017 Aunque la halles pobre, Ítaca no te ha engañado. Así, sabio como te has vuelto, con tanta experiencia, entenderás ya qué significan las Itacas. Konstantino Kabaphes Ya...

How could we cope if capitalism failed? Ask 26 Greek factory...

By Aditya Chakrabortty 18 July 2017 You could call the men and women at Viome factory workers, but that wouldn’t be the half of it. Try...

The machines of self-management have been switched on!

2013, February 12 After 3 days of intense mobilization, the factory of Vio.Me. has started production under workers' control earlier today! It is the first...

Chávez on self-management: the policy he did not have the time...

First Published on April 2,2016 Introduction On October 7th, 2012, after hearing of his victory as the nation‘s candidate with 56 percent of the vote, President...

From Neoliberalism to Self-Management

During her political prime in the 1980s, Thatcher said she was out to change the soul, to change the conceptual universe in which people live, and her idea that “there is no alternative” (TINA) became so deeply embedded in our psyches and in our consciousness that it seems we could no longer imagine that there is an alternative to capitalism.

Chávez on self-management: the policy he did not have the time...

Introduction On October 7th, 2012, after hearing of his victory as the nation‘s candidate with 56 percent of the vote, President Hugo Chávez Frias announced...