Monday, 17 February , 2025


The Biggest Delegation at Plastic Treaty Talks? Plastic Industry Lobbyists

"Allowing fossil fuel and petrochemical companies to exert their influence in these negotiations is like letting foxes guard the henhouse," said one campaigner. By Julia...

Climate Change: Stats on Trends, Views, and Strategies

Jul 29, 2024 Temperatures across the Earth are hitting new highs, with the latest reports indicating that 2024 could surpass 2023’s record-breaking heat worldwide. The...

Plastics, dioxins and paracetamol are key players in decline in male...

For the first time, a study ranks the chemicals most harmful to human sperm quality. By Stéphane Foucart June 10, 2022 The rapid decline in...

Polar Bears’ Diet Is 25% Plastic, Russian Scientists Say

Nov. 26, 2019 Plastic waste makes up one-quarter of polar bears’ diet as climate change pushes them closer to human settlements, Russian scientists...

Latin America and the Caribbean bids good-bye to plastic bags

adfasdf On 30 May, Chile became the first South American country to approve a nationwide ban on single-use plastic bags, garnering congratulations from around the...