Saturday, 21 September , 2024


Historian exposes Germany’s minute number of convictions for Nazi war crimes

In new book, Mary Fulbrook notes that while up to a million actively took part in genocide, only a few thousand were ever sentenced...

Les gilets jaunes | par Danielle Riva

Macron a mis la touche finale à l'implosion de la "gauche" et de la droite qui ont d'immenses difficultés à se reconstituer. En fait...

The Danish government apologized for, the Danish Queen defended collaboration with...

05.05.2005 Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen on Wednesday officially apologized on behalf of Denmark for the extradition of innocent people to Nazi Germany during the...

A MUST SEE: Gladio or Undermining Democracy “to Fight the Soviets”

Operation Gladio - Full 1992 documentary BBC Originally aired on BBC2 in 1992, 'Operation Gladio' reveals 'Gladio', the secret state-sponsored terror network operating in Europe. Also...

Christian Zionism and Foreign Policy: Exploiting Religion | by William Mallinson

By William Mallinson Abstract This article considers the phenomenon of what has become known as ‘Christian Zionism’, as manifested in particular in the United States of...

Violent Anti-Semitism Is Gripping Ukraine – And The Government Is Standing...

By Lev Golinkin May 20, 2018 A wave of anti-Semitism has swept over Ukraine. In the past three weeks alone, a far-right leader publicly called for...

US-Funded Neo-Nazis in Ukraine Mentor US White Supremacists

Short-sighted U.S. foreign policy that backs jihadists in the Middle East and neo-Nazis in Ukraine is once again blowing back on the United States,...

How to explain the ‘timid’ reaction of American Jewish leaders to...

Amid the worst pogrom to take place in Germany since the Middle Ages, most US Jewish communal leaders told their constituents to keep quiet By...

75 years since Operation Barbarossa – Revisions…

By Jean-Marie Chauvier (*) On 22nd June it will have been 75 years since the commencement of Operation Barbarossa, the Hitlerian invasion of the Soviet...

“Trumpism” and Nazism

Former Trump Campaign Adviser Posts Image Featuring Trump's Swastika 'Space Force' The image was later deleted because Stone 'did not notice' the swastika in the...