Saturday, 8 February , 2025


Moldova-Ukraine-Georgia Alliance: Nothing More Than Flash in the Pan

By Alex GORKA 11.06.2018 On June 9, a statement attesting to the creation of the Ukraine-Moldova-Georgia Inter-Parliamentary Assembly was signed by the heads of those parliaments in Kiev....

Political Persecutions in Moldova

Iurie Roșca: Is the regime preparing to send me to prison or is it just a simple error of procedure? 31 mai 2018 This text is...

Over half of Moldovans oppose NATO membership

12.05.2018 Moldova's integration with the European Union is favored by 38% of the country's citizens; with the Eurasian Economic Union, by 34%, according to the...

Des fleurs pour les occupants soviétiques et des tapis rouges pour...

Par Iurie Roșca 24 martie 2018 Quand on voit comment le gouvernement d’aujourd’hui se prosterne devant les «partenaires stratégiques » – la Trinité du Mal (FMI,...

Provoking Russia and Preparing World War

Ukraine Gets Official NATO Status: Weighing Up the Pros and Cons By Peter KORZUN 13.03.2018 NATO has granted Ukraine the status of an aspirant country. Macedonia, Georgia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina have...

Moldovans leaning more towards Russia than Romania – poll

December 15, 2017 Besides, the poll suggests that 56.2% of its participants are against unification with Romania, while 40% don’t want unification with Russia CHISINAU, December...

The Romanian State – the tip of the spear of American...

By Iurie Rosca, 2 martie 2018 When looking from Chișinău, Romania is seen as being in a dishonorable position, namely as the tip of the spear...

Igor Dodon, Président de la Moldavie: Je plaide pour un protectionnisme...

15 februarie 2018 Entretien accordé en exclusivité au site par le Président de la République Moldave, Igor Dodon, réalisé par Ghenadie Vaculovschi : FLUX : Monsieur le...

Encircling Russia, the case of Moldova

Moldova Embraces NATO: Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear to Tread 23.02.2018 Moldova appears to be rushing to embrace NATO. According to the statement of Defense...

Igor Dodon, President of Moldova: I plead for rational protectionism and...

15 February 2018 Interview with Igor Dodon, President of the Republic of Moldova, conducted by Ghenadie Vaculovschi granted exclusively to FLUX.MD FLUX: Mr. President, it has...