Tuesday, 17 September , 2024

Hudson Michael

Michael Hudson: Our “neo-feudal” system is on the verge of collapse

Michael Hudson, guest on the latest It’s Our Money podcast, says our “neo-feudal” system is on the verge of collapse February 6, 2020 In the latest...

Corona Debt Jubilee

By Michael Hudson March 22 2020 Cross posted from the Washington Post. Michael Hudson, author of “… and forgive them their debts” and “Killing the Host,” is...

The Saker Interviews Michael Hudson

October 18, 2019 Introduction: I recently spoke to a relative of mine who, due to her constant and voluntary exposure to the legacy AngloZionist media,...

Hudson on the destruction of Greeks and Greece

June 8, 2018 Also watch The Delphi Initiative - Speech by Michael Hudson

A Travesty of Protectionism

By Michael Hudson March 9, 2018 Trump’s series of threats this week was a one-two punch. First, he threatened to impose national security tariffs on steel...

The Economics of the Future | by Michael Hudson

At first glance Steve Keen’s new book Can We Avoid Another Financial Crisis? seems too small-sized at 147 pages. But like a well-made atom-bomb,...

The Greek program is made to fail. Debt is the main...

  There's a real need for international debtor rights, says economist Michael Hudson. SHARMINI PERIES: It's The Real News Network. I'm Sharmini Peries, coming to you...

Review of James Galbraith, Welcome to the Poisoned Chalice (2016) |...

Galbraith’s articles and interviews collected in this book (ending in October 2015) traces his growing exasperation at the “troika” – the European Central Bank (ECB), IMF and EU bureaucracy – which refused to loosen their demand that Greece impoverish its economy to a degree worse than the Great Depression. The fight against Greece was, in a nutshell, a rejection of parliamentary democracy after the incoming Syriza coalition of left-wing parties won election in January 2015 on a platform of resisting austerity and privatization.

SILENCE OF THE LEFT regarding Euro-Austerity and T-TIP, by Michael Hudson

The media in the United States have treated the British vote against remaining in the European Union (EU) as if it is populist “Trumpism,” an inarticulate right-wing vote out of ignorance at being left behind by the neoliberal economic growth policy. The fact that Donald Trump happened to be in Scotland