Saturday, 27 July , 2024

Greek History

“A historic sham”: Zelensky’s speech to Greece’s parliament sparks national outrage,...

By TJ Coles April 20, 2022 By inviting an Azov fighter to address Greece’s parliament, Zelensky opened the country’s historic wounds and triggered angry demonstrations that...

Back to the future: British troops in Greece (1944)

Athens 1944: Britain’s dirty secret When 28 civilians were killed in Athens, it wasn’t the Nazis who were to blame, it was the British. Ed...

The great Greek director Roviros Manthoulis died

April 22, 2022 At the age of 92, a great figure of Greek culture, the director, writer, poet, Roviros Manthoulis, died in Paris on the...

UNESCO to take the concrete pathways on the Acropolis under scrutiny

April 1, 2022 The World Heritage Center, the UNESCO coordinator for all issues related to the World Heritage of registered monuments, has launched an initiative...

80 years ago: The Greek People’s Liberation Army emerges.

International Federation of the Resistance Fighters (FIR) Armed resistance developed in all the territories occupied by German fascism and its allies, hindering the strategic objectives...

How Nixon Flexed CIA Muscle to Destroy Reporter Who Discovered He...

If the exposé had gone public, Nixon might have been defeated and spent the next 20 years in prison—instead of winning re-election with the...

As the pandemic raged, Europe bulldozed historic buildings

While people were locked down, their heritage was knocked down Jan 29, 2022 COVID-19 HAS been a mixed bag for Europe’s architectural treasures. During the pandemic’s...

Legacy of the Antikythera computer

The Antikythera Mechanism, widely believed to be the world’s first computer, has had a lasting impact on scientists and thinkers across the world. By Evaggelos...

Hikanatoi – Epic Byzantine Music

Music and vocals by Farya Faraji. The Hikanatoi were an elite section of the Byzantine army based near Constantinople. They were founded in the...

Greece’s American Naïveté: Beware Americans Bearing Gifts

By William Mallinson Nov.,23, 2021 Early last year, I concluded an article entitled ‘Greece and Russia: back to the ‘Truman Doctrine?’, with the words: ‘Then becomes...