Saturday, 27 July , 2024


Israel hits Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. Ready to hit Yemen too!

No Iranian targets hit by Israeli airstrikes in Syria - top official 25 Aug, 2019 Tel Aviv’s assertion that it attacked Iranian forces stationed near Damascus...

Ruptures d’arc ? Yemen, Arabie Saoudite et Iran

By Dr. Badia Benjelloun 12 août 2019 L’ouverture d’un nouveau front au Sud Yémen complexifie un peu plus la situation dans ce pays au seuil d’une...

Netanyahu dissatisfied with Trump according to Debka

Saudis and UAE begin quiet talks with Tehran in epic Gulf somersault Aug 2, 2019 The UAE and Saudi Arabia have quietly embarked on talks with...

Target Iran. Netanyahu’s Israel determining US wars

War summit in Warsaw 15 February 2019 The conference jointly hosted by the US and Polish governments in Warsaw this week under the phony banner of...

The Saudi Kingdom: An ally of US and Israel and the...

Saudi campaign to abduct and silence rivals abroad goes back decades By Kareem Fahim and Loveday Morris November 4, 2018 Faisal al Jarba fled his native Saudi...

The opposite Secret: An Israelgate inside the Russiagate. The Neocon conspiracy...

The meetings in New York, which have not yet been reported, show the depth of efforts by foreign officials and power brokers to influence...

Bannon: Saudi, Egypt, UAE prepared to occupy Qatar

September 17, 2018 The UAE, Saudi Arabia and Egypt were planning to invade and occupy Qatar, remarks made by the Former White House chief strategist...

How Israel Spies on US Citizens | By Alain Gresh

By Alain Gresh 29 August 2018 A never-shown Al Jazeera documentary on the pro-Israel lobby in the US reveals possibly illegal Israeli spying on US citizens,...

US complicit in air strike that murdered dozens of children in...

10 August 2018 Countless atrocities have been carried out by Washington and its local proxies over the 17 years since the launching of the “global...

Egypt’s military junta condemns 75 coup protesters to death

30 July 2018 A Cairo court referred 75 defendants to Egypt’s grand mufti to approve death by hanging sentences on Saturday. The 75 are all...