Saturday, 21 September , 2024

Eastern Mediterranean

Reports: Syrian Army Preparing Offensive Against Rebel-Held Idlib

Reports: Syrian Army Preparing Offensive Against Rebel-Held Idlib By Jason Ditz Posted on August 29, 2018 Reports out of Syria suggest that the Syrian Army is...

US already drafted list of targets for potential strike in Syria...

31 Aug, 2018 The US military and intelligence have already compiled a list of preliminary targets they would strike in response to another chemical weapons...

The Civil War inside the Empire and Turkey

The War Between America’s Military-Industrial Complex And Turkophobic Lobbies Pushes Ankara Into Russia’s Arms by Adam Garrie 2018-06-19 A war between the military-industrial complex and increasingly...

US to Germany/Europe: We are the boss

U.S. Warns Sanctions Possible If Nord Stream 2 Pipe Proceeds By William Wilkes 17 May 2018 The U.S. stepped up its opposition to the Nord Stream 2...

New Actors Could Be Drawn into Israel’s Coming War With Hezbollah

The looming showdown between Israel and Hezbollah will be nothing like the last. A new cadre of battle-tested Hezbollah fighters returning from Syria and...

L’Italie répudie la guerre

L’attaque de missiles étasuniens annoncée contre la Syrie risque de faire exploser en Méditerranée un conflit à l’issue imprévisible. La République Arabe Syrienne, Etat souverain...

Italy rejects war

12 Apr., 2018 (Article 11 of the Constitution of the Italian Republic) The announced US missile attack on Syria is likely to blow up a conflict...

Interests, Russia, Greece and Turkey: Only history exists

By Doctor William Mallinson* Athens, 7 April 2018 Ever since at least 1791, when English Prime Minister William Pitt the Younger denounced Russia for seeking to...

Erdogan and Netanyahu exchange accusations on Palestine and Cyprus. Both right!

Turkish President Erdogan accused Netanyahu for the massacre of Palestinians. Netanyahu answered nothing about the massacre, but he cited Turkish occupation of Northern Cyprus and...

US preparing strikes on Syria, carrier strike groups set up in...

Sergei Rudskoi added that "groupings of strike carriers that carry cruise missiles have been deployed" in the Mediterranean and Red Seas March 17, 2018 MOSCOW, March...