Monday, 17 June , 2024

Climatic change

Will We Ever Listen To The Warnings?

The apocalypse is here — and it comes only a few months after the political class mocked a warning and spent a truth-teller into...

Joint Statement by the Greens of Turkey and Greens of Greece...

“We, Greek and Turkish Greens, are both deeply concerned about the current build-up of tension in the Eastern Mediterranean.” Aug. 19, 2020 This post is also...

La crise du Coronavirus et les deux modèles de capitalisme

Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos (*) Il est clair que nous entrons dans une ère de conflits sociaux, politiques et internationaux très graves et que nous ne...

Francois Houtard

Three years ago, on this day, Francois Houtart left us. He died in his sleep in the early hours of June 6 in Quito....

En Finlande, l’hiver est si chaud que les oiseaux ne migrent...

Dans le sud de la Finlande, les habitants vivent un hiver « noir », sans neige et avec des températures particulièrement douces. À Vaasa, la compétition...

Padding Big Oil’s Profits

Companies bank trillions, taxpayers get the bill Feb 12, 2020   The six largest oil and gas companies reported in excess of $55 billion in combined...

Why Norway is at both the top and bottom of Unicef...

19 February 2020 Although Norway tops a new Unicef list of children's chances of good health, the country fares far worse when it comes to...

Thousands of kids across Britain take to the streets demanding government...

By Peter Lazenby February 14, 2020 THOUSANDS of students at more than 80 schools across Britain walked out on strike today, demanding government action to fight...

Argentina’s Antarctic Base Records Hottest Temperature Ever

Scientists believe global warming has caused so much melting at the south pole that the giant ice sheet is now on course to disintegrate 7...

Interdit d’interdire – Jean-Luc Mélenchon face aux nouvelles frontières En...

Jan.28, 2020 Frédéric Taddeï reçoit Jean-Luc Mélenchon, président du groupe La France insoumise à l'Assemblée nationale. Au programme : la lutte des classes, l’euro, le capitalisme,...