Rapid Support Forces kill Sudanese journalist Hanan Adam

Dec 11, 2024

The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) killed Sudanese journalist Hanan Adam and her brother Youssef Adam in their home in the village of Wad Al-Asha, in the countryside of Al Madina Arab in the South Gezira locality.

Hanan Adam was a journalist at the Ministry of Culture and Information in the Gezira state and a correspondent for Al-Maidan newspaper of the Sudanese Communist Party.

The Sudanese Journalists Syndicate condemned this crime and held the Rapid Support Forces responsible, calling on them to “uncover the perpetrators and hold those responsible accountable.”

The Sudanese Journalists Syndicate denounced the militias led by Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo (Hemedti) for “continuing to violate the rights of journalists and those working in the media sector.”

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Sudan’s war came to represent the worst of humanity

By Tafi Mhaka
Den 26, 2024

In Sudan, 20 months of armed conflict between the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and the Sudanese army (SAF) have killed at least 20,000 people and left some 25 million – half of the country’s population – suffering from severe hunger and in urgent need of humanitarian aid. Meanwhile, 14 million Sudanese have been displaced, with about 3.1 million seeking refuge outside the country, mainly in Chad, South Sudan, Uganda, and Egypt.

As is often the case, children are bearing the brunt of this brutal war.

According to medical organisation Doctors Without Borders, known by its French initials MSF, approximately one in six of those treated at the Bashair Teaching Hospital in South Khartoum for war-related injuries, such as gunshot, shrapnel and blast wounds, between January and September 2024 were aged 15 or below.

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The little known Africa

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UN decries “systematic use of sexual violence as a weapon of war” in Sudan’s agricultural heartland

By by Pavan Kulkarni
Nov 6, 2024

In war-torn Sudan’s Gezira state, the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) is systematically using  “sexual violence as a weapon of war”, UN experts decried on Tuesday, November 5. The paramilitary group, at war with Sudan’s army since April 2023, has launched a depopulation campaign in the country’s agricultural heartland. In the region now struck by famine, the RSF has reportedly killed over 1,000 civilians in a wave of attacks on villages and towns in eastern Gezira.

“This large-scale campaign, predominantly targeting women and girls, has been found to include rape, sexual slavery, forced marriage, and human trafficking under conditions of extreme violence that would amount to torture,” the UN experts said.

Reports have circulated on social media claiming instances of mass suicides by women who were raped or feared being raped as the RSF entered their villages. In one village alone, over 130 women are rumored to have committed suicide to escape sexual violence. With the besieged areas cut off from transport and communication, these reports remain unverified.

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