Saturday, 27 July , 2024


Israel and Palestine

Mixed bag of news and actions this week- Pick and choose "We came and turned the native Arabs into tragic refugees. And still...

« Amalgame entre antisionisme et antisémitisme, la faute grave de Macron...

Par Dominique Vidal Journaliste et historien, auteur de nombreux ouvrages consacrés au Proche-Orient, Dominique Vidal s’élève, contre les accusations d’antisémitisme qui frappent tous les critiques...

Centenaire Balfour : La Palestine cent ans après

Texte publié en partenariat avec Golias – « Si j’étais un dirigeant arabe, je ne signerai jamais un accord avec Israël. C’est normal...

‘I, Neocon’ – the Foreign Policy of Emperor Trump

By Wayne MADSEN Not many observers believe that US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will survive as the most-neutered US Secretary of State since...

How the US and Israel Extort Votes at the UN

By Wayne MADSEN  On December 21, 2017, 128-member states of the United Nations General Assembly voted against the United States in condemning the Donald Trump...

Israel Transformed

How will US Jerusalem move affect Israel's far right? by Jonathan Cook Jerusalem - Trump's recognition this week of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, overturning seven decades...

last straw | By Mazin Qumsiyeh

Trump’s decision dropped the last fig leaf and added the final straw that will indeed reshape Western Asia and Probably the world but not...

Trump and Jerusalem: The end of the Mideast “peace” charade

US President Donald Trump’s arrogant and provocative speech declaring US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and Washington’s intention to move its embassy there,...

Centenaire Balfour: La Palestine cent ans après

By René Naba Novembre 27, 2017 Journaliste-écrivain, ancien responsable du Monde arabo musulman au service diplomatique de l'AFP, puis conseiller du directeur général de RMC Moyen-Orient,...

Zionists, Evangelicals and Alt-Right: The transition from “Democratic” to “Totalitarian” Imperialism

Netanyahu Ditches US Jews for Alliance with Christian Evangelicals and the Alt-Right by Jonathan Cook For decades most American Jews have claimed an “Israel exemption”: resolutely...