Friday, 7 February , 2025

White Helmets

Syria’s FM Walid Muallem: UK Helped White Helmets Smuggle Chlorine to...

02.09.2018 The top official reiterated Damascus’s determination to liberate the city at all costs. Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem said that British special services assisted terrorists...

France / Syrie : la diplomatie humanitaire au secours d’une guerre...

Par Mouna Alno-Nakhal 25 juillet 2018 Le 21 avril 2018, le quotidien Le Parisien titrait : « En même temps, le péché mignon de Macron » rapportant qu’à ce propos...

Israel Evacuates White Helmets’ Members From Syria at Request of US,...

Israel has evacuated members of the White Helmets and their families from Syria at the request of the United States, Canada and European countries,...

‘Trial by media’ on what happened in Douma

By Lasanda Kurukulasuriya Apr. 23, 2018 It’s not known, at the time of writing, what the inspection team from the Organisation for the Prohibition of...

Inside the Shadowy PR Firm That’s Lobbying for Regime Change in...

Posing as a non-political solidarity organization, the Syria Campaign leverages local partners and media contacts to push the U.S. into toppling another Middle Eastern...

Trigger-Happy Trump and Syria: “The Worst Case Scenario Is Now Our...

By Felicity Arbuthnot April 12, 2018 As all becomes ever more rapidly surreal it seems that, barring a miracle, Draft Dodger in Chief, Donald Trump might...

James Le Mesurier: The Former British Mercenary Who Founded The White...

James Le Mesurier, a British ex-mercenary, founded the White Helmets in 2013. The group has been lauded for its “humanitarian” efforts in Syria, but...

“First Responder” White Helmets Reemerge as Experts in Defusing Explosives in...

Defusing explosives and mines, as the White Helmets say they’ve done in Afrin, is normally performed by specialized military experts, not paramedic first-responders who...

An alternative view on Aleppo and Syria

British Government And White Helmets Exposed On The BBC - Video "Russia is acting to defend international law?"

Lobbies for intervention in Syria

It is rare for a short Netflix documentary to garner as much publicity or acclaim as The White Helmets has. Promoted as “the story of real-life heroes and impossible hope,” the film is named for the civil defense organization whose members have gained international acclaim for saving lives in rebel-held territory in the hellish war zones of eastern Aleppo and Idlib. The