Friday, 7 February , 2025


[Vidéo] Villepin : “Le Président ne comprend pas ce qu’il se...

L’ancien Premier ministre, Dominique de Villepin, a réagi sur notre antenne au discours de François Hollande après l’élection de Donald Trump. Pour lui, le chef de l’Etat est dans l’erreur face aux événements américains.

Deutsche Bank and the global financial crisis

Deutsche Bank’s shares plunged to record lows this week, sparking talk of a government bailout to avert a new financial crash. The turmoil surrounding Germany’s biggest bank demonstrates that all of the contradictions of the global financial system that led to the meltdown of 2008 are once again erupting. Now, however, these contradictions are fuelling

Brexit – A view from USA

Though it will take a long time and a lot of government effort There is no lack of apocalyptic handwringing about the UK’s vote last night to leave the European Union—the so-called Brexit. But a more optimistic scenario is also possible.