Saturday, 4 May , 2024


Debate on Europe

By Ernesto Screpanti* Since the end of World War II, tribal rivalries and xenophobic sentiment in Europe have never been as strong as they...

Hugo Moreno (1943-2017) | by Carlos Abel Suárez

09/07/2017 Aunque la halles pobre, Ítaca no te ha engañado. Así, sabio como te has vuelto, con tanta experiencia, entenderás ya qué significan las Itacas. Konstantino Kabaphes Ya...

Chancellor Philip Hammond attacks Donald Trump’s tax cuts

The Chancellor is joining other European finance ministers in expressing concerns about the US President's plans. By Jon Craig Philip Hammond has risked a new row...

Catalonia and the Spanish State

Jorge Tamames reviews Spanish nationalism, the ‘regime of 1978’ and prospects for constitutional reform in Spain towards a pluri-national state. He sadly notes: “Podemos...

Catalogne et Stratégie

Catalogne : l’erreur stratégique de Madrid Le Premier ministre espagnol n’a pas lu Eliot Cohen. Sa stratégie, s’il en avait une, est désormais gravement compromise...

Left and Catalonia, the debate

The left must support Catalonia The struggle in Catalonia for self determination has shaken the whole Spanish state. It has forced all political forces to...

Why is the request for independence growing? – by Giulietto Chiesa

The following article was written before the recent referendum in Venice and Lombardy. It remains relevant as far as, everything happening in Europe those...

Barrage to Catalonia

By David Broder 01 November 2017 The 1 October referendum and its aftermath has exposed the extent of the democratic crisis in Spain — and Europe...

This is Progress? Electoral Shocks, Catalunya And The Union

By John Weeks 30 October 2017 False Optimism from Brussels On September 13 in Strasbourg, the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker delivered his annual “state...

The Independence of Catalonia has Arrived! We are all Catalans |...

By: Carlos Aznárez Source: Resumen Latinoamericano / The Dawn News October 27, 2017 Catalonia is living a historical day, independence is a reality against all odds. Knowing...