Saturday, 27 July , 2024

Sachs Jeffrey

Une guerre provoquée: Jeffrey Sachs de l’ONU sur la situation en...

Jun 7, 2024 We remind our readers that publication of articles on our site does not mean that we agree with what is written. Our...

The cultural blindness of development “aid”

A sign of the imminent demise of the neocolonial world-system By Charles McKelvey 8 Aug 2023 In the neocolonial world-system, there are a significant number of global...

The Need for a New US Foreign Policy

By Jeffrey D. Sachs Apr.13, 2023 US foreign policy is based on an inherent contradiction and fatal flaw. The aim of US foreign policy is a...

Briefing to the UN Security Council on the Nord Stream pipeline

9266TH MEETING (PM) SC/15206 21 FEBRUARY 2023 Summary of the session can be found here: UN News piece here: Prof. Sachs’ testimony begins at 5:30. Testimony of Professor Jeffrey...

Biden’s Foreign Policy Is Sinking the Congressional Dems—and Ukraine

The proxy war between the U.S. and Russia is devastating Ukraine, ironically in the name of saving Ukraine. By Jeffrey D. Sachs October 30, 2022 President...

Jeffrey Sachs: End Ukraine proxy war or face “armageddon”

Oct 9, 2022 Jeffrey Sachs joins The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal and Aaron Maté to discuss escalating nuclear rhetoric in Ukraine proxy war, the bombing of...

Questions surrounding the origins of COVID-19 remain unanswered

Why did some components of the Intelligence Community lean toward a laboratory release as the source of the pandemic? By Jeffrey D. Sachs & Neil...

A negotiated peace is the only way to end Russia’s war...

by Jeffrey Sachs Apr 21, 2022 There is only one answer to the war in Ukraine: a peace deal. The two-pronged US strategy, to help Ukraine overcome...

The United States, the Russian Oligarchs and the looting of the...

The Harvard Boys Do Russia After seven years of economic “reform” financed by billions of dollars in U.S. By Janine R. Wedel May 14, 1998 After seven years...

The G7, the UN, and Afghanistan’s Future

When G7 leaders convene this week to discuss Afghanistan, they should be clear about the core goals: extricate their nationals and Afghan partners, and...