Monday, 13 May , 2024


New Cold War also competing in Rio Olympics

International sporting events have a clear political nature: nation-states enter the stadium under their national anthem, represent their countries, and, in the case of victory, their rank increases. In other words, sports is an instrument of “soft power” if we use Joseph Nye’s term. Moreover, the country hosting a sporting event can improve its image, as was the case with the Sochi Winter Olympic Games.

Ukraine – Neocons in Action

Documentary Project "Ukraine: The masks of the revolution" broadcast on the French TV channel Canal +. Ukrainian Embassy in Paris asked to take the broadcast of the film in France of the air. But what is in there that the Ukrainian authorities are so afraid of? Maybe the truth? Until now Europe does not know all of what actually happened and continues to happen in Kiev and across the country as a whole. Instead of this movie representatives of


The people who have prepared this putsch are absolutely not Kemalists. This upheaval was purely pro-American. Its core was the Gulen movement, which works for the CIA. Of course, pro-American officers and generals tried to organize a revolution. But it was supported by a minority of the army. They had no chance of success, because the majority has objected to

Militarization of the Arctic to Counter Russian Claims

By Mads Jacobsen According to the recently finished Arctic Analysis - a report ordered by the Danish government - it has been deemed necessary to "enforce sovereignty over...

Did Russia save Erdogan?

TEHRAN (FNA)- Arab media outlets quoted diplomats in Ankara as disclosing that Turkey's President Erdogan was alerted by Russia against an imminent army coup hours before it was initiated on Friday, while a western media outlet said Erdogan asked his supporters to remain in the streets after receiving advice from Tehran.

NATO’s Warsaw Communiqué: Planning the Crime of Aggression

The NATO communiqué issued from Warsaw on July 9th is direct evidence of such planning and preparation and therefore of a conspiracy by the NATO leaders to commit acts of aggression against Russia, and would be the subject of an indictment of the International Criminal Court against the leaders of the NATO military alliance, if the prosecutor of the ICC was in fact independent, which she is not, and of course, if the articles relating to crimes of

ΝΑΤΟ, Turkey and the shifting strategic landscape

Turkey is ready to work towards restoration of peace and stability in the region together with Russia and Iran, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in a telephone conversation with Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani on Monday.

Russia – Turkey Rapprochment

  Dugin's guideline: the truth about the recent pro-american coup d' état in Turkey geopolitical analysis & forecast the chronology of the pro-americain coup d' état Greetings,...

Two Pilots Who Shot Down Russian Su-24 Arrested in Turkey

The bomber was shot down last November. Turkey claimed the Russian plane entered its airspace, while Russia categorically denied these accusations. "Two Turkish pilots who...

The Coup in Turkey – a view from Moscow

EURASIAN BLOC IN TURKEY: ERDOĞAN AND THE KEMALISTS AGAINST GÜLEN AND THE US On July 15th, at around 23:00, the press reported a military coup...