Monday, 29 April , 2024


Trump, Flynn and the anti-Islam” Lobby

Flynn had advised Trump through his campaign and was once considered a potential running mate. The retired Army lieutenant general served as the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, the service that specializes in providing intelligence to the military until he was forced out in 2014 after reported leadership clashes.

De l’ antisémitisme a l’ islamophobie

ertains s’indignent que l’on ose comparer les attaques dont les musulmans sont aujourd’hui l’objet à l’antisémitisme d’autrefois. Il ne s’agit bien évidemment pas de la Shoah, auquel cas le parallèle serait effectivement scandaleux. Mais le discours islamophobe qui gagne chaque jour un plus de terrain ressemble en tous points aux théories antisémites qui

Oubliez Finance et Empire. Allez a la guerre contre l’ Islam.

Zemmour Djihadiste ! : “L’islam est incompatible avec la France” – le naufrage médiatique d’une Société où se répand le “racisme anti-arabes” (Article Mis à...

Construire un pont entre l’islam et la République

L'islam de France m'a toujours paru être une grande cause nationale. Avec 4,1 millions de fidèles, selon l'Institut national d'études démographiques (INED), il constitue la deuxième religion de France. Certes, tous les immigrés d'origine maghrébine, africaine ou turque, et pour la plupart de nationalité française, ne sont pas musulmans, mais ils le sont

We Love to Talk of Terror

The frightful and bloody hours of Friday night and Saturday morning in Munich and Kabul – despite the 3,000 miles that separate the two cities – provided a highly instructive lesson in the semantics of horror and hypocrisy. I despair of that generic old hate-word, “terror”. It long ago became the punctuation mark and signature tune of every facile politician, policeman, journalist and think tank crank in the world.

Brzezinski and the US national interest – a comment from Rome

Aged but untamed, Zbigniew Brzezinski tackles the "catastrophic" situation of the US in an article that - like others in his career - is meant to create a lasting impression and perhaps go down in history. It is published in " The American Interest"

Hidden Struggle: Why Kurds ‘Must be Kept Under the Roof of...

By Ekaterina Blinova A hidden struggle for hearts and minds is going on in Syria: Western geopolitical players are trying to establish their control over...

Turkey: “We Need a Religious Constitution”

by Burak Bekdil The new constitution "will emphasize Islam and faith in Allah." — Abdulkadir Selvi, pro-government columnist. "We are a Muslim country. That is why...

Who rules the world? America is no longer the obvious answer

By Noam Chomsky When we ask “who rules the world?” we commonly adopt the standard convention that the actors in world affairs are states, primarily...

What does the Austrian political earthquake means for Europe and Left

On the progressing loss of consensus for the neo-liberal regime By Wilhelm Langthaler The results of the first round of the presidential elections were an unexpected...