By Steffen Stierle
junge welt, 19 February 2021
The EU's new trade policy strategy presented in Brussels on Thursday is characterized by fears of further loss...
February 16, 202
The Commission proudly shows off its new armoury. To obtain financial support from the Recovery and Resilience Facility, Member States must implement...
Le débat sur l’annulation des dettes détenues par la BCE connaît un fort retentissement en France, mais aussi en Italie, au Luxembourg, en Belgique,...
Left Parties and the European Union
by Asbjørn Wahl
Dec 01, 2020
European left parties have, over the last couple of decades, become increasingly critical of political...
5 July 2015
Greeks have overwhelmingly rejected conditions of a rescue package from creditors, throwing the future of the country's eurozone membership into further doubt...
The real source of neoliberalism in Europe is neither technocracy nor hegemony but a problem specific to the continent: intergovernmentalism
By Nicholas Mulder
On December 18,...
Par Fabien Escalona
19 mai 2020
Dès 1971, l’économiste postkeynésien Nicholas Kaldor prévenait qu’une union monétaire sans intégration fiscale et politique accentuerait les divergences entre ses...