Friday, 7 February , 2025

Konstantakopoulos Dimitris

Merkel, Obama and the death of Greece

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Tomorrow, in the German city of Hannover, President Obama and Chancellor Merkel will again discuss about Greece. Greece and Syria are, for...

A Coup Foretold (Turkey and the Neocons)

We repost the article: “Turkey: Is a Military Coupe Possible?” which was first published on 31 March 2016 By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Some hours before the Brussels...

Russia – Turkey: Βehind the Confrontation

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos The shooting down of the Russian aircraft by Turkey inside Syrian airspace, a few days ago, should not be considered as a...

Lessons of the Greek Tragedy

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Greek and European political elites are the mere tool of gigantic historic forces transforming the whole region. They are the object and...

La crise economique europeenne en tant qu instrument de la transformation...

Six ans après le déclenchement de la grande crise financiere et économique de 2008-09, aucune des causes fondamentales qui l’ont provoquée n’a été combattue....

Greece and Its Creditors

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos and Peter Koenig Introduced by Peter Koenig “It is a triumph of the empire to have the victims elect their executioners.”  These are the words of Dimitris Konstantakopoulos this...

The NO Front

How to build a Front of Resistance (some remarks on moral and national aspects of politics, on left and right, on left and nationalism,...

Elections against Democracy!

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos It is unpleasant to have to write about issues such as these. For every Greek who loves his country, it is painful...