Saturday, 8 February , 2025

Cold war

Denmark cuts welfare but buys new US fighter jets

In May 2016, the Danish government decided to make the largest weapons purchase in Denmark's history by ordering 27 new, American produced, Lockheed Martin F-35A Joint Strike Fighters at the cost of $3 billion, with the total cost for the lifespan of these fighte

Terrorism: A Matrix of Lies and Deceit

So how is your war on “terrorism” going? I’m not doing too well at it since I have no idea who the enemy is. Like the American black comedian, Dick Gregory, who, on hearing that President Johnson had declared a war on poverty, ran out onto the street with a hand grenade to throw it at some poor people, I have no idea who the real enemy is, who to throw a grenade at

Russophobia by Giulietto Chiesa

Is Russia’s Vladimir Putin Enemy Number One of the West or the West’s Last Hope? By Giulietto Chiesa By now it is clear: the crisis in...

Europe – Are the EU and Euro on the Verge of...

By Peter Koenig This article is dedicated to Greece, to the Greek people, as they have been victimized by a set of white collar criminal...

MH-17’s Unnecessary Mystery

Nearly 18 months after Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 crashed in eastern Ukraine, one of the troubling mysteries is why the U.S. government – after...

Jeremy Corbyn talks sense on nuclear weapons

By Katrina Vanden Heuvel The new leader of the British Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, has sparked a political firestorm by challenging the myths around nuclear...

No Danger of Nuclear War? The Pentagon’s Plan to Blow up...

More than 2000 nuclear explosions have occurred since 1945 as part of nuclear weapons’ testing. Officially only two nuclear bombs (Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 6 and...

The organic unity of the imperial (“globalization”) project: Middle Eastεrn wars,...

Speech to the International Conferenece against War and NATO, Rome, 26.10.2015

La crise economique europeenne en tant qu instrument de la transformation...

Six ans après le déclenchement de la grande crise financiere et économique de 2008-09, aucune des causes fondamentales qui l’ont provoquée n’a été combattue....

West and Putin – Not everybody in the US is crazy!

As western media get paranoid with Russia, some people in the West still try to keep their mind