Saturday, 27 July , 2024


Jeremy Corbyn launches plan to challenge ‘stale two party system’

Former Labour leader sets up forum aimed at offering electoral challenge against Labour and Conservatives Jul 12, 2024 Former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, now an...

Richard Murphy – We have to redistribute income or wealth or...

Facism is the logical and ultimate political form of neo-liberalism Richard Murphy is an economic justice campaigner. Professor of Accounting, Sheffield University Management School. Chartered accountant....

Costas Lapavitsas – Retreat of the extreme centre, rise of the...

Jul 9, 2024 In Europe the extreme centre is fading. While the far right is gaining momentum the left has finally dashed out of the...

Are deep shifts in Muslim and Jewish voting here to stay?

By Aleem Maqbool Jul 6, 2024 However big the headline change in the vote between the past two elections, drill down into two demographic pockets of Britain...

Jeremy Corbyn re-elected in Islington North after expulsion from Labour

Former Labour leader continues to represent constituency he has held since 1983 By Henry Dyer 5 Jul 2024 Jeremy Corbyn has won Islington North, the constituency he...

Exterminez – le! Après Corbyn et Fico, Mélenchon!

Par Dimitris Georgopoulos Qu'ont en commun l'ancien leader du parti travailliste britannique Jeremy Corbyn, le premier ministre slovaque Robert Fico et le leader de la...

Israel threatens with use of its nuclear arms

‘Doomsday Weapons’ – Israeli Official Speaks of Extreme Measures amid Regional Escalation Jun 30, 2024 Observers interpreted Yair Katz’s reference to doomsday weapons as the potential...

Jeremy Corbyn: I was asked to ‘automatically support’ Israel action

Jun 21, 2024 <iframe style="border: none; width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; overflow: hidden;" src="" width="100%" height="100%" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe> <iframe style="border: none; width:...

Israel lobby funded a third of Conservative MPs

Tory politicians have accepted over £430,000 from Israel lobby groups and made 187 trips to the country. By JOHN McEVOY 23 May 2024 Some 126 of the...

Boris Johnson Praises Nazi Azov Battalion

May 27, 2024 Active Measures has obtained footage of former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson praising Ukraine’s neo-Nazi Azov Battalion We remind our readers that publication...