International pressure mounts against Israel’s planned Rafah ground assault

ICC prosecutor ‘deeply concerned’ about potential Israeli invasion of Rafah

International Criminal Court prosecutor Karim Khan said on Monday he was deeply concerned about a potential Israeli ground invasion of the city of Rafah in southern Gaza.

The prosecutor said on X that the court has an active investigation going on in Palestine and added the probe has a goal of “bringing to justice those responsible for Rome Statute crimes”.

“I am deeply concerned by the reported bombardment and potential ground incursion by Israeli forces in Rafah,” Khan said.

Israel is not a member of the ICC and doesn’t recognise its jurisdiction.

Read more by clicking below.

ICC prosecutor threatens Israel with potential action over military activity in Rafah

As a planned Israeli invasion of Rafah continues to loom, mass protests took place on London’s Downing Street in demand of a ceasefire.

Labour withdraws support for Rochdale candidate Azhar Ali after Israel comments

The UK Labour Party has withdrawn its support for Azhar Ali, a candidate in the by-election for Rochdale, a town in the greater Manchester area.

“Following new information about further comments made by Azhar Ali coming to light today, the Labour party has withdrawn its support for Azhar Ali as our candidate in  the Rochdale by-election,” a Labour spokesperson said, as reported by Guardian political correspondent Eleni Courea.

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Ali is alleged to have said at a Labour meeting that Israel “allowed” the Hamas-led attack to take place on 7 October.

While it is too late to replace Ali from the ballot, if he wins he would serve as an independent MP, rather than being affiliated with Labour.

French foreign minister says Rafah invasion would be ‘unjustified’

Stephane Sejourne, the foreign minister of France, said that an Israeli assault on Rafah would be unjustified, according to Reuters.

International pressure warning Israel against invading the southern city of Gaza is mounting, with Rafah currently home to more than a million people – many of whom originally fled to the area to escape bombardment in central and northern Gaza.

White House says it welcomes hostage rescue in Rafah

White House national security council spokesperson John Kirby welcomed news that Israel’s military freed two hostages during a raid by special forces in the southern city of Rafah.

The raid by Israel, which included intense bombardment of the area, killed dozens of Palestinians including children.

Kirby said there can be no end to the war in Gaza until Hamas releases all hostages held in the enclave.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected the latest ceasefire proposal from Hamas, which would have led to the release of all the hostages in Israel in exchange for a monthslong pause in fighting.

Three Israeli hostages killed in Israeli air strikes, says Hamas

Hamas’s armed wing, al-Qassam Brigades, said on Monday that three Israeli hostages who were seriously injured following Israeli air strikes died from their wounds. A total of eight hostages were injured in the strikes.

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Declassified: Israel Made Sure Arabs Couldn't Return to Their Villages

“We will postpone the announcement of the names and pictures of the dead for the coming days until the fate of the remaining wounded becomes clear,” the group said on Telegram.

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